Thursday Throwdown: April 11, 2024

Last weekend, my gentleman associate and I drove all over hell’s half acre to get a vintage pre-1930’s bookcase. It’s gorgeous, but it’s been neglected, so it’s dirty, and needs a good cleaning. So this week, we’ve been elbow deep in Murphy’s Oil Soap and Furniture wax to restore it to it’s former glory. Now, […]

Grati-Tuesday:  March 26, 2024

A few days ago, my gentleman associate and I had to make the heartbreaking but necessary decision to help King Louie over the Rainbow bridge. So while there’s a big, Louie shaped hole in me right now, there’s some bright spots to be grateful for: For the vet and tech at the Preston Animal Clinic […]

Thursday Throwdown: March 7, 2024

I’ve been doing some research about bodily systems can get hijacked and cause things like, say egregiously high blood pressure that isn’t controlled by any of the 5 medications that ‘should’ work. So I’m reading up on things like the role of your spleen and lymph nodes and pH balance to see how I can […]

Thursday Throwdown: March 5, 2023

I created this list over the last few weeks, anchored by Dance you outta my head because I need to dance all *kinds* of things out of my head these days. Then, yesterday, I read that Cat Janice, the artist who recorded that song, had died from cancer. At 31 years old. Ugh. So, friends, […]

Thursday Throwdown: February 22, 2024

We’re doing a Thursday victory lap, apparently. Honestly, I do this every time there’s a statutory holiday at the beginning of the week. Well, friends, I made this playlist worth the wait. I’ve dug deep on some of these, but the anchor – Barbaras Rhabarberbar – is new to me, and I’ve played it about […]

Lent 2024: Standard

We’re rubbing up against that time of year when my team at work has to set goals for the next year. We call them OKRs – Objectives and Key Results. On the one hand, I like the theory of these, as they help our whole company face the same direction and pull toward the same […]

Thursday Throwdown: February 15, 2024

Whenever it’s Lent, I always think that I should have a plan – I should create feel-good lists. No sex, no drugs, no rock and roll… erm… no.. wait. That’s not right. I feel like I should create some happier, cleaner feelgood playlists. But Lent really isn’t supposed to be a joyous time. It’s supposed […]

Lent 2024: The Starting Line

Lots going on today, kids! Valentine’s day *and* Ash Wednesday. Last weekend at Mass, the priest said “Good news, guys, you don’t have to take your wife/girlfriend out for dinner because it’s fast and abstinance!” And that made me pretty sad. I mean, he’s not wrong, but it felt like a God-given reason to not […]

Thursday Throwdown: February 7, 2024

I’ve had a few false starts on this week’s throwdown. I’m octopus charting: On one hand, I’m in the midst of the winter blues with anxiety creeping in from strange angles. On the other, this is the first time in quite literally months that there’s been sunshine in my corner of Southern Ontario for more […]

Lent 2024: Pregame

Once upon a time, maybe 15 years ago, our church was doing a Lent retreat program for three weeknights. The Sunday before the mission was scheduled, the priest who was going to run the program came to our weekend masses to drum up support for the event. He asked me point blank if I was […]